- the eye is single -
Huh? What's that even mean?
My husband preached a message in youth like a week ago & it's still rolling around in my spirit. He was talking on Matthew 6 & the eye being the lamp of the body. It was pretty memorable when he held two phones up to his eyeballs & walked around with the flashlights on. LOL!
It made an impression on me, because the light didn't illuminate the entire room, it only illuminated what he turned his eyes towards.
If you go up a bit in the same chapter it talks about your treasure & your heart. You focus on what you treasure & soon after your heart follows where you've been focusing.
A lot of times I think people feel bad about themselves because they aren't "as spiritual as they should be." (Bonus Tip: Comparison is not the correct measuring tool of spirituality. Look to others as examples to follow & to be inspired, but look to God to be your judge & standard. He's much better at it then your insecure, renewed mind will ever be & don't forget, good leadership helps too).
Anyways, back to the topic. It's okay to be convicted about not living on the level you should, but it's also an easy fix. The eye is single, remember? Change your focus, change your life. Yes, it's that simple, it's just not that quick.
Your eye is single, meaning your lamp can only focus on one thing at a time. If you're shining your light on the things of this world then you won't be able to maintain your focus/passion/determination & eventually your heart for the things of God. If you hear right, that can be so freeing! You can stop condemning yourself for "being a bad person" & realize you just weren't focused on the right thing.
There are things everyday fighting for your focus, why? If they can get your focus, they can eventually get your heart. Listen, we've got to step up & take responsibility for our eyes. It's our job to control where we look, but don't let that add pressure because His yoke is easy & His burden is light. You can't do it out of your own strength, but that's why we have the Holy Spirit who is our Helper! Do your part to keep your eyes on God & watch His light yoke begin to unfold in your life. You'll be amazed at the ease of walking with Him... of walking in His light... & walking in the abundant life that He has for you!
Happy 2018 y'all!!
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